The Forward Tracker is a set of drift chambers designed to detect tracks in the range from about 5 to 25 degrees from the interaction point. There are three identical Supermodules, each consisting of three Planar chambers (Orientations), an MWPC, a transition radiator and a Radial chamber. The Planar drift cells each have four wires at 0 degrees, +60 degrees and -60 degrees in the three Orientations; the Radial cells have 12 wires each. A Planar Orientation has 32 rectangular cells with all wires parallel; the wires are read out at one end only, and hence measure only the drift coordinate. A Radial chamber has 48 wedge-shaped cells with the wires pointing radially outwards from the z axis; wires in pairs of wedges are connected together at the hub and read out at both ends, allowing measurement of the coordinate along the wire by charge division.
This is a schematic diagram of the Forward Tracker. Click on the picture
for a bigger version.
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For further information please contact John Morris
Last updated: September 10th, 1998 by JVM